Hello!! Today's blogger is the sexiest girl Nao. These days, I'm suffered from hay fever and muscle pain ;(
How was today's RH after 2 or 3 off days? I was sooooo excited as everyday!!!!!!
少し遅いかもしれないけれど、最近になってやっと、いよいよ本格的にMP15 MAGIC MONKEYが始まったんだな〜って実感が湧いてきた!!
It might be a little late, but these days finally I've got the feeling of start of MP15 MAGIC MONKEY!!!!!
The reason why I've got the feeling? It may be because I've changed a little through MP activities.
At first, when I just entered MP, I thought that "It's fun if I can only sing and dance with everyone!!!", and I thought that is Musical. (that was too thoughtless....)
However, Masumi asked a lot of "Why?" to us in workshop and practice time....and gave us the time for thinking....I finally might find how important it is to have the meanings about everything.
私たちがこれから築いていくMP15 MAGIC MONKEYにはセリフ、歌、ダンス、衣装、道具、音、照明…いろんなものが関わってくるけれど、それぞれ一つ一つに意味が宿ってなきゃいけないんだ!
MP15 MAGIC MONKEY that we'll make from now has lines, songs, dances, costumes, tools, sound, light.... Each one of these things has to have the meaning!!!!
それはとっても面倒臭くて、難しくって、困惑するかもしれないし、たくさん苦しむかもしれない。時にはWhy? の問に答えが見つけられないときもある。でも、その先にきっと最高のパフォーマンスがあるんだと思う!!
It might be troublesome, difficult, confusing, or suffering. Sometimes, we can't find the answer of "Why?". I think beyond the big walls, we can get the best performance!!!
Let's make the best performance with a lot of journey!!!!
From today, we have 6days RH without off. Your heart and body might get tired, but just go for it with passion!!!!ohhhhhh!!!!
NAO♀ (Cast)