What makes me Happy...

Hi, I'm Chie:) having a role as the pin-microphone career!


Today, I'm gonna write about what I think including about the 2nd Rth.

今日は2nd Rthで感じたことも含め、最近自分が思っていることについて書きます。

First, these days I realize that joining MP, I mean making a stage together, really makes me happy;)


Although I've talked I really like "stage", I've never had the experience to make a stage from the very beginning.


That's why I'm really motivated to do the stuff work;)


And there is no more chance so many people who like stages get together at the same time!!!


After 2nd Rth, each of you considers about something we couldn't do...

2nd Rthを終えて、それぞれが思うことも多いですよね。

I also have to think about the pin-microphones more and more.


Anyway, I recognized our performance will be awesome, when we did the curtain call of 2nd Rth.

とは言え、2nd Rthのカーテンコールの時、舞台本番の成功を本当に確信したんです!

In this month, I wanna make a "Great" stage with all of you MP'15 members! Let's face to face each other! Don't think you're alone!


Let's enjoy the last a month of our MP'15 together:)

本当にまるまる1ヶ月後が本番!チケットも売りつつ、残りのMP'15 daysを楽しみましょう󾬆(≧∇≦)

Big love, Chie